
Social Toast

Norm and I were standing around his kitchen drinking coffee and toasting as usual.

Amongst other various topics the subject of the need for society came up..

I personally think it is time that we stop thinking in the "what's best for the whole", society type of standard and start thinking in a more individual based or small tribal type of mind set.

It seems that everything we do is controlled by some kind of society rule, or law. We spend the majority of our daily lives, doing what?... Working, the majority of us working for some nameless faceless "company" that really doesn't care if you have a family, or hobbies, or even a desire to work there. Working so we can live in society. Working to "contribute to society". What is society contributing to us? A forced way of life, whether we like it or not? Not only has society trained us to think that we NEED things like starbucks, tv, SUVs. but we are also FORCED by society to live this way. We have made our selves so dependant on money and social status that we could not live with out it even if we didn't want to. Our basic needs even….

-Food: You could grow a small garden, if you can afford to “own” your own land (in which you have to pay taxes for) although most of us that can afford to own land, probably work to much to be able to tend a garden. You could hunt for meat. But you’d have to make some trip far off into the wilderness to a place that will allow you to hunt, probably for a small fee, on top of the fee you had to pay for your hunting license, once again, assuming that you can do this on a weekend that you do not have to work, and actually succeed at killing some thing in that allotted time, cause other wise you are screwed for the week.

-Shelter: You, are not allowed to build your own house (or at least live in it) unless you go by specific guide lines and rules that are more often then not very difficult to comply with and “get permitted” for, some times taking YEARS to complete, and of coarse, the question lies, where does one live in the mean time?

Your only other option is to pay some ridiculous price ( ridiculous meaning, you’ll probably never pay it off in your life time) for some piece of shit house that looks very similar to every other house that is near by, so much that they are dubbed “cookie cutter houses”

-Water: ok, water is theoretically free, but is it? You have to pay to have it pumped to where you can drink it and have it filtered. True, you could probably live just fine on un filtered water, but it would take you a while of being sick and getting used to the ever changing nasty taste of it. Your other option would be to get it from a natural source, such as a lake….. I don’t know about where you live, but here in the Seattle area, the urban bodies of water are FOUL, and I for one would not drink out of it or swim in it ( but I’m a little weird like that) your best bet would be to go to a river, if you happen to have one accessible. Or go up into the mountains to gather glacier water, once again… who has the time to do this?

-Companionship: Here is something that is readily available everywhere you look, but here is the thing about this….. in this society based world, where status is the is as, if not more important or even equivalent to self worth. in this type of environment , it is rather difficult to find people that are real, or really who they seem to be, and worth putting your self out there for. I think most people kind of go through life half trusting people and making a lot of “acquaintances”, often based on their similarities in social standing or positioning, and calling them friends and lovers rather than finding real friends and lovers.

I’m sure I could go on, but I’m starting to feel like a Sad Bastard on some under medicated depression trip.

The saddest part is that this is not "big brother" or even necessarily "the government" (although Norm and I did go in to this too, see “social control”, to be possibly written later). No we did this our selves, we are our own big brother. a paradox I know , but none the less seems real enough to me.

One cannot decide to not work for society and go live in solitude and in a small group in any reasonably livable area.. because it is all "owned" and you will eventually be chased off by some main society member. Even if you were to purchase some land and create some sort of commune. you still have to pay some sort of land tax this meaning of coarse that you have to make money thus contributing to "society"

I don't think that there should be total anarchy per-say, just a higher level of individualism, and allowances and opportunity for that. For example if we were to square off in to small "tribes" of various sizes, those tribe could decide for them selves what law, ideals and values that they hold true. they could also choose for them selves what type of currency, or what type of value they'd give certain goods. These tribes could even trade amongst each other, introducing "new culture" so to speak.

With the variety of tribes in any given area, I would think that a person who is not necessarily a leader, self motivator, or simply doesn't have any interest in creating their own ideal, would find it easy to find a tribe, that caters more or less to their specific, ideal, this would promote individuality, with out having to be some sort of pioneer, or having to fall in line with the heard mentality and simply just do what every one else does. In this way I believe the tribe idea caters to many types of people (leader, followers, artists, liberal, and more structured type of people, and everything in-between.

Imagine a quilt each square being a different color, shape, size, texture... all these pieces sewn together as one to create one huge quilt.


Unknown said...

You asked for some burnt toast so here goes...

The need for society. Websters Dictionary defines society as this..

1. an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.
2. a body of individuals living as members of a community; community.
3. the body of human beings generally, associated or viewed as members of a community: the evolution of human society.
4. a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members: American society.

So in essence what YOU are looking for is society. Unfortunately what you have grown to know as "society" is this definition...

5. such a system characterized by its dominant economic class or form: middle-class society; industrial society.

Because our dominating class is middle...when you are middle you are always striving for more. Hence the need to want more out of society. More SUV's, more private school...more more more. While the lower class is looking to the middle and wanting more of what they have. The high class is so addicted to what they have over most...they can't give in to having less. But I digress because I am making overgeneralizations.

I am going to counter your first comment about living not for society but for individual or tribe purposes. I would say that this is actually the way we are living today. We live for ourselves, for what we want. Not for what is good for the actual non contaminated version of society. If we were to actually live for society we wouldn't be putting pollutins in the air because we would know that just our small contribution can hurt the whole society. I could go on further with this ramble..but this is really just a comment section...

As the working thing...I like to work. I may not always like my job or the company...but I like helping people. I like knowing that because I come to work, someone's day might have gone a little better. Some people look at work as a bane...but it must not all be bad or why would women have fought so hard to be allowed to do it?

Food - You can grow your own garden...food can be grown in pots in doors as well. Of course you would need money to buy these seeds...so did early settlers...they traded...not money..but a form of.

Shelter - You are not allowed to build your own house without it being up to code because you will not always live in that house. If your kids took it over and some day the roof collapsed on them...bet you'd be wishing there was a code then.

You call the houses you can afford a piece of shit...but your "need" right there won't let you get past the fact that it's not a good enough shelter. Seems like a contradictory argument.

Water - People in Iraq don't pay for water...they also die of dysentery everyday. You get what you pay or don't pay for.

Companionship - If you are embarrassed about living in society and too scared to look into anyones eyes to see if they are real or not...how would we know what society has to offer? Mormon's live this way...in tribes..for themselves. They also marry their cousins.

To make this statement makes it seem like we are above those people who we think are not real. Making us into exactly what we hate.

There are many people that form there own groups and live on their own. The government has provided for this with non profit and certain tax breaks for "organizations"...how do you think David Koresh did this? Although seems he went a little crazy living in his own society.

Like wild animals there is always a dominant one who will take the lead. They may make the decision for what is right for the tribe and wrong. This is also called a dictatorship. Once more people like these ideals...more people join. Then some people don't like these ideals so they revolt. The dominant comes out on top...i.e...Hitler..until someone decides to take him over.

Now yes I know...at this time you think...wow she has gone completely left field and overboard. Maybe...but if I wasn't in comments I could get you there clearer with a better understanding of the short steps to this.

Individualism. A nice pipe dream because who decides where this stops and starts. One tribe or person thinks killing is ok...per the animal kingdon it is...why is it not towards ours? This is a rule we have set up like you talk about. When one tribe allows it and another doesn't..who decides who's right?

This can go so many different routes, population control, disease control...and on and on...but the bottom line is this.

We want our freedom and we want our comforts. We also want the option to bitch about how addicted and controlled by society we are. The nice thing about our "society" is...you have both. If Ted Kazinsky can live in a shack then so can you...or you can just own the fact that you like hot clean water, and you like the occasional movie, you like when people acknowledge you..even if you allow it to make you uncomfortable.

A quilt has a pattern btw..thats why it fits together...otherwise there would be big holes...

and Ry...lets start all this new awareness by putting down the triple 16oz half chocolate starbucks mocha lol

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I would have to agree with the whole 'we are living for ourselves' thing. But, can still see a shift to communities based on smaller geographical areas as a good thing. It's all about the hippie communes, yo.

- invid