
  • sit in chair
  • hold spoon lightly between fingers
  • doze off
  • drop spoon
  • wake up
  • write what you saw

Why are dreams more vivid when you are half awake, then when you are completely asleep? I personally rarely remember my dreams. If I do, it is only fuzzy glimpses and feelings. Then there are the very few that I actually remember, these are always the one's that are half in reality, half in sleep. I sometimes like to sleep with the tv or radio on, to kind of spark that half reality dreaming. When it works, and after I've fully come to awakens. I usually find it rather amusing how my mind has wrapped itself in and out of the input, causing a surreality, these are by far the most interesting.
If I thought I could survive, I would opt to constantly live in this surreality or better yet, be able to completely retreat into my own imagination and fully explore what is in there, experience its limitlessness. Call it escapism, I'm ok with it. I would love to experience how the imagination really works. Would I end up finding some sort of rhyme or reason for it? or pattern? or structure? or is it really a jumbled mess as it seems? Or possibly it is exactly a surreality. A liquid plane saturating and eroding the sands of our perceived reality? like a network of rivers over land. These waters being of coarse the murky unexplored depths of out world, that we see and admire and even swim in, but cannot completely survive in without drowning.
another theory I'd favor is that maybe the dreams are actually the reality, the real us.
and this life is actually the dream, the game we play in order to entertain our selves, much like a extremely rich person getting a job as a dishwasher, as a hobby rather than a way to make a living.

hmm time for some coffee and toast.
thanks Norm

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