

Do 2 wrongs make a right?
If you are doing some thing wrong, but for the greater good. Is it still good? Should these questions even need to be asked? They say nice guys finish last. They also say do to others as you would have them do to you. Who is they, anyway? Who's really to say. I say you should follow what you know is right, but I also think I might be a little crazy.

Well I'm not taking the low road. I am taking th road of truth!

"The truth doesn't skrew around, and the truth does't care about your opinions. The truth doesn't care if you believe in it, deny it, or ignore it. -t couldn't care less what religion you are, what country your from, What color your skin is,what or who you've got between your legs or how much you have invested in mutual funds. The truth is not open to negotiation, not to you, not by men not the leader of the free world or the moral majoritym the truth simply is."

I'm not going to pull any punches, but I'm not going to hit below the belt either. I don't care what everyone else thinks.

So I guess in a way I can go by the cliche" Do to others as you would have them do to you." With the addition of.. "If You acted as they"

And I'll end with this..

If you see me gettin high, Knock me down

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