
Time to clean

well as of today, I will no longer be among the undead. as cool as it sounds, I really
like being able to think and function properly, as opposed to wondering aimlessly
drooling just looking for my next victim ( or place to nap) I've quit the 2nd Job.
We've come to discover we're really not making enough to make the sleep deprivation worth while. While I lived on it when I was younger. I need my beauty sleep at least 8 hours....ok more realistically 4 or 5. but 2 or 3 is just not enough for me.

anyway, during my stint as a mindless Zombie, everything has become a MESS! I'm not an overly neat person, but things have gotten out of hand. My office = a mess. My Desk = a mess. my Cars (- the pinto, I haven't had a chance to mess it up yet) = a Mess, My House = a Mess. My paperwork = a mess... It has become so overwhelming that I don't even know what to do half the time.

I'm now among the living and am planning to spend the next few weeks Cleaning and organizing my life...(as well as catching up on some lost sleep) and it will feel good!

I'm not a terribly organized person, I tend to like to float along and see where life will take me. but there needs to be a Balance to this.

Sometimes I forget or lose my own motto... there is balance in everything, and in everything balance needs to be found... good place to stop.. gotta get to cleaning!

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