
the best and the worst

Some of us always look for the good in everything thing and everyone. Some of us always look for the bad in everything and everyone. I believe there is good and bad in everything and everyone. I think the challenge for me is to be able to recognize and accept the good and bad for what it is, without allowing either to effect me. But the Draw of emotion and passion and Drama is generally to great for our species. I suppose we are always our own life's project


gritty little fingers

I didn't know that little finger prints on the window could make me so happy and so sad at the same time


Not Terribly eventful but, memorable evening

Last Night will stick out in my mind for a long time, even though nothing terrible exciting happened... and yet in a way it was exciting. In the sense that we take the little things for Granted. Like the fact that I live in one of the most beautiful areas in the country and that I have a AMAZING view form my Office window....

From Mudd Lust

From Mudd Lust

From Mudd Lust

From Mudd Lust

So Last night we went to up some furniture out in Sammammish that we found on craigslist for super cheap, score #1 So we took My Van which I'd not been Driving since I was handed (willing or not ) the Mazda 3, I was Glad I had it. I had forgotten how roomy, comfortable it was not to mention the amount of stuff you can pile in there.(2 broken down loft beds + mattress hardly filled much of the space.) I really enjoy the utility side of the van. We'd been debating getting rid of it, but I think we've decided to keep it and get rid of the sportcar. It will be missed for sure, but the van is way more practical (minus the gas costs!!). anyway so that was nice being reminded that I do actually like my van. we had some nice discussion on the way out there. it's rare that we get to just talk uninterrupted anymore. When We found the place the people were really nice, and we come to find out that the kids whose beds these where ( btw were hardly ever used, if at all) were the one's selling them as opposed to the parents, so the kids were out there with their dad helping to unload the piles of wood and screws, and were really excited to receive their own money. so that was cool too.
On the out we spontaneously decided to take the long way around back home ( something I love about my girlfriend, if she is always willing to fly off tha handle and do some pointless random thing with me, just for the sake of doing it)the back road was amazing! the moon was so bright we actually cut out the lights for a few minutes while driving ( I don't recommend this) and were still able to see the road. the road out of Sammammish toward Fall city is beautiful, even in the dark. then we decided to stop by Snoqualmie Falls. If you have not see them, they are one of the MOST beautiful sites of Washington State. and at night is Just as amazing if not more so, only because it's not as often you see something like this lit up in the pitch black... the rest of the way home, still awesome with the moon so bright.. and when we finally got Home, Lovey had some home work to do , so I decided to watch some TV before bed, I don't usually voluntarily turn on the TV but I didn't really feel like doing anything else. but I was glad I did cuz there was an old Clint Eastwood movie on!... anyway.. a good night


Time to clean

well as of today, I will no longer be among the undead. as cool as it sounds, I really
like being able to think and function properly, as opposed to wondering aimlessly
drooling just looking for my next victim ( or place to nap) I've quit the 2nd Job.
We've come to discover we're really not making enough to make the sleep deprivation worth while. While I lived on it when I was younger. I need my beauty sleep at least 8 hours....ok more realistically 4 or 5. but 2 or 3 is just not enough for me.

anyway, during my stint as a mindless Zombie, everything has become a MESS! I'm not an overly neat person, but things have gotten out of hand. My office = a mess. My Desk = a mess. my Cars (- the pinto, I haven't had a chance to mess it up yet) = a Mess, My House = a Mess. My paperwork = a mess... It has become so overwhelming that I don't even know what to do half the time.

I'm now among the living and am planning to spend the next few weeks Cleaning and organizing my life...(as well as catching up on some lost sleep) and it will feel good!

I'm not a terribly organized person, I tend to like to float along and see where life will take me. but there needs to be a Balance to this.

Sometimes I forget or lose my own motto... there is balance in everything, and in everything balance needs to be found... good place to stop.. gotta get to cleaning!